Trust Love

So many of you in our Kindle My Heart’s Flame Community of caring have shared with me in these last few weeks. You have been describing to me all that you’ve come into awareness of and all that you have been experiencing as we sit with open hearts and minds in our togetherness.

I appreciate hearing from you immensely and feel all you convey with my deepest heart. I am with you.

As you commit to dedicate and devote each week to exploring your heart; your love; your Self; to going ‘within;’ rather than without, YES, you WILL make discoveries and indeed you WILL uncover so much that you were previously unaware of in the depths of your being.

As you dedicate time to attuning and blending with your heart; to communing with your inner nature – as you introvert your attention – you will begin to apperceive, to remember, what you are truly about. What each and every one of us Is.

In recognition of all that you have shared, my message is one of reassurance.

You are safe.

Continue inwards. Dive deep into the woods of you. For every time you do, you’ll uncover something new. Trust the current that carries you, that breathes you without your asking.

“Asato mā sad gamaya (from ignorance lead me to truth),

Tamaso mā jyotir gamaya (from darkness lead me to light),

Mṛtyor mā amṛtaṁ gamaya (from death lead me to immortality.)

Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti, Om.

(Brhadaranyaka Upanishad 1.iii.28)

Know that you are not alone in your endeavor. We are all here, sitting together, breathing and beating as one heart.

One loving presence.

Trust. That no matter what may appear, Love is always here.

Just love and drink deeply of That…
